Thursday, July 24, 2014

inventions that changes our future life

 If you don’t know that the incandescent light was a failure before it was a success, it’s easy to write off some modern energy innovations — like solar panels — because they haven’t hit the big time fast enough.
Worse, the fairy-tale view of history implies that innovation has an end. It doesn’t. What we want and what we need keeps changing. The incandescent light was a 19th-century failure and a 20th- century success. Now it’s a failure again, edged out by new technologies, like LEDs, that were, themselves, failures for many years.
                               you believe or not first electric bulb was failure by British chemist Humphry Davy in the early 1800's, and it took almost 80 years to get hope of research for Thomas Edison to finally figure out how to make incandescent light bulb that common people can buy though it was not great success. 
Admin note:  i truly  believe in sentence heard from my trainer " EVER TRIED EVER FAILED NO MATTER TRY AGAIN FAIL AGAIN BUT FAIL BETTER"
here goes inventions that can change our lives
                             Physicists at Wake Forest University have developed a fabric that doubles as a spare outlet. When used to line your shirt — or even your pillowcase or office chair — it converts subtle differences in temperature across the span of the clothing (say, from your cuff to your armpit) into electricity. And because the different parts of your shirt can vary by about 10 degrees, you could power up your MP3 player just by sitting still. According to the fabric’s creator, David Carroll, a cellphone case lined with the material could boost the phone’s battery charge by 10 to 15 percent over eight hours, using the heat absorbed from your pants pocket. Richard Morgan

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