Friday, July 18, 2014

tip to reduce electricity bill

 hi friends i am back wit my new post ... how to reduce your electricity bill 
Fan is an appliance which is used throughout the day especially during summers. And if they are of old inefficient type (consuming 75 watts and more), they can consume as much electricity as a refrigerator does during a day. But lately lot of development has started happening on the efficiency front of ceiling fans.Here are a few ideas on reducing electricity bills on ceiling fans:

1) Always prefer buying a BEE 5 star rated fans.
2) Using right regulator is an important aspect in saving electricity on ceiling Fans. The new step type electronic regulators are the most efficient where as old electric box type regulators are most inefficient. Try to always use step type electronic regulator.
3) If you are confused between buying a ceiling fan, table fan or a pedestal fan, our recommendation would be to go for energy efficient ceiling fan.
4) Please note using ceiling fans along with Air Conditioners can also help you increase the temperature setting on your air conditioner, thereby decreasing the electricity consumption of air conditioner. It is a popular belief that ceiling fan should not be used along with air conditioner, but that is true only if you do not increase the temperature of your air conditioner

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