Saturday, August 16, 2014

wave energy to make clean electricity

This video is pretty interesting especially for the engineers out there.
 One of the best ways to convert the energy in a sea wave is to
 capture the kinetic energy through a piston pump, pumping either air
 or water to a wheel that turns an electric generator. One advantage of 
this system is the ability to be able to store the energy as water or
 compressed air.

The storage tank and generator can be located on land or on a floating platform
 depending on the design. There are many different ways to arrange the
 components of such technology and really I think that a this point you should
 watch the video. I really liked it and I hope you do.

worlds biggest wind turbine

                                      Meet the World’s Biggest Wind Turbine ( TeK-THinK ) – As of February 2014 the Vestas’ V-164 which produces 8MW of energy is the largest of its kind in the world. The V-164 produces enough power for 7,500 averaged size homes a year.
                                     Getting this monster turbine atop the 200 meter tower is a feat of engineering all on its own. The turbine blades sweep out an area of 20,000 square meters which is an area greater that 3 soccer fields.
                                      When it comes to wind turbines experts say that the bigger the better with more powerful units requiring fewer cost when it comes to cabling and repairs. This does in one way put all of our eggs in one basket in that if one does go offline it represent 8 MW of capacity.
                                        It is however machines like these that turbine makers are hoping to use to bring down the cost of renewable energy, The V-164 is a prototype for sure and is likely to be destined for installation offshore where the wind speeds are higher and more consistent than inland. It remains to be seen how long the V-164 from Vestas will be the largest in the world.

Monday, August 4, 2014

best search engines

generally the only search we use is google . Other than that we have many other search engines like:( randomly placed ) pile:

         dogpile was one of the best and accurate search engine with the slogan of " All the best search engines piled into one" and best choicest before google . later it was faded away. Now it is coming back and going to rule once again.

2.ask .com: originally called ask jewes is generally question -answer based web search.The presentation is arguably cleaner and easier to read than Google or Yahoo! or Bing, and the results groups seem to be more relevant. Decide for yourself if you agree... give a whirl, and compare it to the other search engines you like.

3. duck duck go: 

It is similar google and provides information, came with a slogan of " search engine that doesn't track you". At first, looks like Google. But there are many subtleties that make this spartan search engine different. DuckDuckGo has some slick features, like 'zero-click' information (all your answers are found on the first results page). DuckDuckgo offers disambiguation prompts (helps to clarify what question you are really asking). And the ad spam is much less than Google. Give a try... you might really like this clean and simple search engine. 

Google is the undisputed king of 'spartan searching'. While it doesn't offer all the shopping center features of Yahoo!, Google is fast, relevant, and the largest single catalogue of Web pages available today. Make sure you try the Google 'images', 'maps' and 'news' features... they are outstanding services for locating photos, geographic directions, and news headlines.

Yahoo! is several things: it is a search engine, a news aggregator, a shopping center, an emailbox, a travel directory, a horoscope and games center, and more.

 adding with these we have some more browsers like BING,MAHALO ALPHA, INTERNET ARCHIVE,

Thursday, July 24, 2014

inventions that changes our future life

 If you don’t know that the incandescent light was a failure before it was a success, it’s easy to write off some modern energy innovations — like solar panels — because they haven’t hit the big time fast enough.
Worse, the fairy-tale view of history implies that innovation has an end. It doesn’t. What we want and what we need keeps changing. The incandescent light was a 19th-century failure and a 20th- century success. Now it’s a failure again, edged out by new technologies, like LEDs, that were, themselves, failures for many years.
                               you believe or not first electric bulb was failure by British chemist Humphry Davy in the early 1800's, and it took almost 80 years to get hope of research for Thomas Edison to finally figure out how to make incandescent light bulb that common people can buy though it was not great success. 
Admin note:  i truly  believe in sentence heard from my trainer " EVER TRIED EVER FAILED NO MATTER TRY AGAIN FAIL AGAIN BUT FAIL BETTER"
here goes inventions that can change our lives
                             Physicists at Wake Forest University have developed a fabric that doubles as a spare outlet. When used to line your shirt — or even your pillowcase or office chair — it converts subtle differences in temperature across the span of the clothing (say, from your cuff to your armpit) into electricity. And because the different parts of your shirt can vary by about 10 degrees, you could power up your MP3 player just by sitting still. According to the fabric’s creator, David Carroll, a cellphone case lined with the material could boost the phone’s battery charge by 10 to 15 percent over eight hours, using the heat absorbed from your pants pocket. Richard Morgan

Friday, July 18, 2014

tip to reduce electricity bill

 hi friends i am back wit my new post ... how to reduce your electricity bill 
Fan is an appliance which is used throughout the day especially during summers. And if they are of old inefficient type (consuming 75 watts and more), they can consume as much electricity as a refrigerator does during a day. But lately lot of development has started happening on the efficiency front of ceiling fans.Here are a few ideas on reducing electricity bills on ceiling fans:

1) Always prefer buying a BEE 5 star rated fans.
2) Using right regulator is an important aspect in saving electricity on ceiling Fans. The new step type electronic regulators are the most efficient where as old electric box type regulators are most inefficient. Try to always use step type electronic regulator.
3) If you are confused between buying a ceiling fan, table fan or a pedestal fan, our recommendation would be to go for energy efficient ceiling fan.
4) Please note using ceiling fans along with Air Conditioners can also help you increase the temperature setting on your air conditioner, thereby decreasing the electricity consumption of air conditioner. It is a popular belief that ceiling fan should not be used along with air conditioner, but that is true only if you do not increase the temperature of your air conditioner

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

2-1 r10 reslts

jntuk 2-1 r10 rslts are out.... wil be availabl at

Monday, July 7, 2014

generation of electricity from sand

At present we are producing electricity with the use of coal & water in thermal & hydro power stations respectively, but the generation is limited as the availability of natural resources is limited which is restricting the corporates to expand their capacities because of under utilization of installed capacities. This is becoming the greatest hinderance in the development of the economy as industrial development is hit by the non availability of power. In recent times we have started producing electricity with the use of renewable sources of energy but that is not feasible in the present context due to high generation costs as in the case solar energy. Also it has certain deficiencies such as no power in rainy days or less energy generation in the areas like Rajasthan where dust covers the panel after sometime.
Further by generation of energy through non renewable sources of energy lot of carbon is emitted when power is produced by using coal, polluting the environment in its surroundings & in addition hazardous waste is also produced. Further in hydro power stations water is used which disturbs the entire aquatic life of the species living over there.
To overcome these problems & for sustainable development we need green source of energy which can very well be done by the use of sand for generation of electricity without harming the nature as explained herein below.
In the process of generation main raw material is sand which is easily available in most of the parts & space to set up the power plant (space) with negligible maintenance costs. This mode of generation is eco-friendly , renewable and long run source of energy. It can be fed into grid or could be used off grid as per the need of the consumer. The key point of this project is that it can be installed in any climatic conditions i.e. it can be installed in heavy snow fall areas, deserts, or at any extreme condition as the process is completely covered under steel structure. It produces the energy at a low cost which is viable.
For 10 mw electricity production
Electrical Equipments : Alternator Rs.12Crore
Auxiliary Transformer(2 MVA) Rs.2Crore
Switchgears equipment- Rs.10Crore (includes- VCB, CT, PT, Relays)
LT breaker- Rs.1Crore
Other equipment * Rs.1Crore
(*like air compressors, control valves, ventilation system, EOT cranes will be required.)
Mechanical equipments : Hydraulic Elevator Rs.0.40Crore
Turbine Rs.0.40Crore
Construction charges : Building & Shed Rs.1.50Crore
Steel structure Rs.0.50Crore
Preliminary Expenses as to incorporation
of Company & Other Expenses: Rs.1.20Crore
Mode of Finance:
Debt: Rs.20Crore
Equity: Rs.10Crore
Revenue from Sale of Power Produced: Rs.24.91Crore(@Rs..50 Per Unit)
(After deduction of normal maintenance period & energy losses in transmission & distribution)
Revenue Expenditures:
Employment Expenses Rs.0.10Crore
Annual Maintenance Expenses Rs.0.20Crore
Professional Fees Rs.0.10Crore
Depreciation Rs.4.00Crore
Profit Before Interest & Tax: Rs.20.51Crore
Interest Expense Rs.2.50Crore
Profit Before Tax Rs.18.01Crore
Income Tax Rs.5.84Crore
Net Profit Rs.12.17Crore(Approx.)
8. Current Status, Challenges and Way Forward
Current status –
New and efficient concept.
Due to 100% green project govt. of every country will be interested as it will create sustainable development of the economy.
New in market high demand
Challenges –
To get the clientele in the market where so much competitive players are in the market.
Way Forward-
Once it is gone through than it will be the cheapest & safest mode of generating electricity in the world.
- See more at: